
3月, 2021の投稿を表示しています

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For the guide on standard wild Gordo locations, see Gordo Slimes/Locations This page lists all 11 wild Gold Gordos found in Rush Mode This guide assumes that the World Map has been filled in in their respective zones using Map Data Nodes All Gold Gordos require three Gilded Gingers to burst, and will drop 10 Gold Slimes and three Crates with random loot 1 The Dry Reef 11 Dry Reef EntranceA map of the gold mining districts of California showing mining locations and Native American villages, 1850 A print depicting a road scene in Gold Rush California, with Native Americans, Chinese immigrants, settlers, and gold prospectors, 1856The map shows the most significant gold fields up to this time, highlighted in red, as well as the names of mountain chains, rivers, and other prominent geographical features in Alaska, Yukon, and British Columbia Not shown, of course, are later famous gold strikes in Nome, Fairbanks, and Livengood Mr Housch Com The klondike gold rush map

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